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Trinity Lectures

1 Introduction

This lecture will introduce the Trinity, the problems with this doctrine and its importance.  

2 Defining the Trinity

This lecture will provide a working definition of the Trinity for this course.    

3 Biblical Evidence

Some people claim that accepting the Trinity is hard because of the scarcity of Biblical material.  This lecture claims that the Trinity is hard to understand because of the immensity of Biblical evidence.  This lecture will explore how the Bible describes the Trinity.

4 Understadning the Trinity

A robust understanding of the Trinity requires more than just quoting a few verses drawn from various places.  We have to consider how these verses paint a picture of the character and person of God.  This lecture surveys how Christians have described the Trinity over the centuries.    

5 Delighting in the Trinity 

The Trinity is not merely a set of propositions to which one gives assent.  It is the source, the foundation, and the goal of our Christian lives.  This lecture explores how the Trinity is critical to our daily Christian lives.

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