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Biblical Theology Lectures

1 Introduction

This session is an introduction to the instructor and why he is passionate about this course.  It introduces the main goal for the entire course.

2 What is Biblical Theology?

This session discusses the methodology of Biblical Theology over and against other methodologies such as Systematic or Historical theology.  Furthermore, it provides an apologetic for the necessity of theology in general to the Christian life.

3 Three Frameworks

This session is provides a rudimentary survey of the three major frameworks for understanding Biblical Theology: Dispensationalism, Covenantalism, and the Promise-Plan Approach.

4 Pre Patriarchal Era

This session begins the guided tour of the Scriptures with the first 11 chapters of Genesis.  These chapters provide somewhat of a "thesis statement" that unfolds throughout the rest of Scripture. 

5 Patriarchal Era 

This session covers Genesis 12-50 and discusses the "provisions" of the Promise.  This era begins the unfolding of God's original Promise made in Genesis 1-11 and specifies how God will fulfill this promise.  

6 Mosaic Era

This session covers Exodus, Leviticus, and Numbers.  These books specify more completely How God plans on creating for Himself a people and how He is to dwell with His people.  

7 Pre Monarchical Era

This session covers Deuteronomy, Joshua, and Judges.  It describes how God took the first steps to make good on His promise by providing a land and a ruler as well as some of ISrael's missteps. 

8 Davidic Era

This session covers the books of Samuel, the Royal Psalms, and the first 11 chapters of 1 Kings.  It describes God's remarkable provision of the promise in 2 Samuel 7 as well as how that provision was to unfold.

9 Wisdom Era

This session describes, not so much an era, as a genre of literature.  Far from being an appendage to the Tanak, wisdom literature is deeply rooted in the Law and demonstrates the continuity between the Mosaic era with the rest of Scripture.   

10 Prophetic Era

This session unfortunately has to cover 400 years of prophetic history in 15 minutes.  But through this session, one notices the various ways in which the prophets contributed to the fulfillment of The Promise.

11 Messianic Era

This session introduces the Promised One, not as a break from the Old Testament Promise, but as its object.  By surveying the five herald's of Jesus's incarnation, this session demonstrates Jesus's continuity with the Old Testament Promise.

12 The Kingdom of the Promise 

This session provides a tragically brief overview of how the rest of the New Testament fits within the Promise.  It concludes with the consummation of the Promise in Revelation 21. 

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